New Year Rules Teasers


Here are the answers.  How did you go?

1.    What are the two occasions when a player is not penalised for making a stroke at a ball that is moving?

When a player is making their first stroke at a ball on the teeing ground (Rule 11-3) and when the ball is moving in water (Rule 14-6).

2.    After a putt for birdie on a par-4, the player’s ball balances on the edge of the hole, the player walks up and makes a one-handed stroke at their ball but misses it. The ball falls into the hole anyway. a) Was the ball holed, or does it have to be replaced on the edge of the hole and tapped in?  b) What is the player’s score for the hole?

a) The ball was holed.  b) 4 strokes.

3.    Rule 22 details three situations where a ball may not be cleaned when lifted under a Rule.  What is the fourth situation?

A player may not clean their ball when they lift it to determine whether they are entitled to relief under a Rule, e.g. to determine whether the ball is in a hole made by a burrowing animal, or is embedded (Decision 20-1/0.7).

4.    Which Rule is regularly breached at Club level but is rarely penalised because the players, their markers and probably the Committee, do not realise that they have breached a Rule of Golf?

When they start before their scheduled starting time (Decision 6-3a/5).

5.    In stroke play, which Rule can be breached without incurring a penalty?

Rule 10-2c. Competitors may play out of turn, providing they have not agreed to play out of turn to give one of them a competitive advantage.