What a Golfer May Move Without Penalty

Player’s Ball in Play is Stationary;

  • Artificial objects that can easily be moved are movable obstructions, which may be moved from anywhere on the course, or out of bounds, Rule 24-1. Examples are course signage, distance markers, water hazard stakes, cans, abandoned balls and other rubbish.
  • Natural objects that are not not fixed or growing, solidly embedded, or adhering to the ball are loose impediments, which may be moved from anywhere on the course, except when both the loose impediment and the ball lie in or touch the same hazard. Rule 23-1. Examples are grass clippings, leaves and pine cones.
  • A player is not penalized for moving, bending or even breaking anything growing or fixed, providing this happens while they are fairly taking their stance, which means using the least intrusive course of action that is reasonably necessary for the selected stroke, Decision 13-2/1.
  • A player is entitled to move a natural object for the specific purpose of determining whether the object is loose; if it is not it must be returned to its original position before making the next stroke, Decision 13-2/26.
  • If a player considers that another ball might interfere with their play, they may have it lifted, Rule 22-2.
  • Sand and loose soil may be moved from the putting green, but not from anywhere else, Definition of Loose Impediments.


Player’s Ball is in Motion after a Stroke;

  • When a ball is in motion after a stroke, no player may move any movable obstruction that might influence the movement of the ball, except the equipment of any player and the flagstick that has been removed from the hole, Rule 24-1. Examples of player’s equipment are their clubs, clothing and golf bag.
  • When a ball is in motion after a stroke, no player may move any loose impediment that might influence the movement of the ball, Rule 23-1. Examples are divots, a detached branch and insect-like creatures, Definition 23-5/5.
  • Obviously, a player must not purposely stop any ball that is in motion, Rule 1-2.